Thursday 28 March 2013

Contemporary 2- Preparation & Research & Evaluation & Feedback

Contemporary 2

Name: Kerri-Anne Bentley


Dob: April 30 1995

Ethnicity: Black British

Title and Author:

My monologue was chosen from BlackBerry Trout Face by Laurence Wilson. Laurence's first professional work as a writer was a trilogy of short plays. One of his plays is Surf's Up, produced at the Unity Theatre in Liverpool, 2002 and Contact Theatre in Manchester 2003; it was nominated for two Manchester Evening News Awards; Best New Play and Best Production. Mezz'ed Up was a Liverpool Lunchtime Theatre commission for the Unity Theatre in 2002. He then wrote Drug Runner's for the Bravo Channel, which was the channels first commissioned original drama. Laurence's first full length play Urban Legend, was produced at the Liverpool Everyman in 2004 and was published in the same year by Oberon Modern Plays, and was written during the attachment to the Liverpool Everyman and Playhouse theatre. Urban Legend won the Liverpool Daily Post Best Play of the Year. Laurence became the prestigious Pearson Writer in Residence at Liverpool Everyman Theatre in 2005  2006, and received a full commission to write a new stage play. Dark Tale, a twenty minute short play commissioned by Menagerie Theatre; for a short run at The Junction Theatre Cambridge for the Hotbed New Writing Festival, 2006. 2008 saw a collaboration with the NCH and Wells Bourne Primary School in Norris Green, which culminated in a short play about local issues called, When Worlds Collide. For radio Tin Man aired on BBC Radio 3 The Wire, January 2007 and Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band aired June 2007 on Radio 4. Laurence has recently been commissioned by 20 Stories High Theatre Company to write a new play for a 2009 School tour and is currently under commission by The Liverpool, Everyman Theatre.


Kerrie Anne sets about her daily task of preparing her Mother’s heroin. . . Jakey has just about had enough of life in a gang. . . Cameron is just too scared to step outside the front door. One morning, the three teenagers discover a note in the Frosties cereal. The note  was that their Mum Sherrel abandoned them: they were left home alone with no money and the only thing they could survive on is trout . 

Blackberry Trout Face is a bold, gritty and funny play, which explores universal themes such as family, loyalty and ambition. With sharply-drawn characters, crackling dialogue, and plenty of humour, we follow three young people as they struggle to cope in an exceptional circumstance. 

Genre and style of BlackBerry Trout Face: When I was picking my monologues, my main focus was their themes: cause I feel that in order for me to accelerate in my monologue performance; I would have to be able to feel a sense of connection with the theme; before trying to get the attention of the audience. The reason why my main priority and focus is on that aspect is because I feel as an actor you should connect with your performance so then the audience could then grasp “truth” and “believability” in your piece. This is very essential; when I was also picking my monologues my main focus was to do as the criteria said; to meet the demands. To meet the demands I was supposed to get a play that had been written since 1964 that are also suitable for my casting; as in I could genuinely play the role of Kerrie Anne Bentley.

Character profile: The character I have chosen is called Kerri Anne Bentley  is played by Nicola Bentley in a Theatre production for Liverpool Everyman & Playhouse. Kerrie’s character has a lot of conflict in the play.The character I chose has been through a lot of pain; especially when her father passed away; she was very close to him her mother would often say she was a daddy's girl; in contrast to this when Kerrie's father had passed her mother her mother started to take heroin and would ask Kerrie to make her heroin as a chore. To me as a young actress her history is painful

BlackBerry Trout Face& Kerri Anne Appeals: He used words and phrases that my generation would often use; say and as a youth that grabbed my attention even more. It was like I was there witnessing their struggle in a forum of an invisible ghost. When I read the play over and over again it’s like the play is on rewind mode in my head. I’m starting to get deep images in my head. Ever since I started reading plays I've started to enjoy reading the  plays and reading in general. But I felt with this play is I could actually make some of the things I do personal; to get a connection, I know her mum is in rehab and all but she acts like a tomboy I can do that so that's my starting point. It is fascinating and interesting to develop a character’s characteristics; that's my favourite part in playing a character is developing it's characteristics. I want to watch the piece live to get a feel of how my character physicality can be performed like. This playwright is really unique the way he writes his scripts is phenomenal; I actually love his plays because of the dramatic styles he uses. They stand out! He is such a clever playwright and when we were deciding on which monologues to do in class I was determined to do BlackBerry Trout Face despite what others felt best suited me because, BlackBerry Trout Face I felt would make the panel see a different character than what they have seen, I want to bring the tomboy in her even more to symbolise her male influence. I respect him and his work; I mean if you can write intriguing plays like this and get it published in my books you've made it. Per say, you are very successful.

Similarities:  I would have to say Kerrie Anne and I have a few similarities we both react to the way we are treated in the same way and I personally think this is an advantage. Although sometimes I can react differently depends on the scenario it’s the same thing with Kerrie. We both have also been with people that mean so much to us that act deceitfully towards us. Another similarity we both share is our fashion style. I mean like jumpers and ripped jeans with Air forces and so does she. We both have the same taste in music. She loves Rap and RNB and so do I.  Kerrie Anne has always been a mature teen in a small girls body because the playwright often refers to the fact that she is meant to do house chores, cook and clean for her little brother Cameron when Jakey the eighteen year old is not at home when he was the one that was left in charge by his mum the rehab run away.  We both speak softly and use a lot of gestures. Our facial expressions are similar in a way

Difference:  I'm really different from Kerrie-Anne. She has a strong passion for rock music. The only rock songs I know is we will rock you and hearts; what about love. She owns a CD with a whole play list of Rock songs. Whereas for me I don't listen to yet alone have/ own any rock CDs. I love traditional food and Chinese whereas with Kerrie she eats foods that I wouldn't dream of eating. Like, For instance; best believe she loves Sushi and Cod. Kerrie also eats fruits like Oranges and Tangerines; these are stuff I wouldn't eat at all because I don't have the same taste buds as her. I eat fruits like Apples, Pineapple's and I love grapes and strawberries.

Biggest challenge in playing the role of Kerri Anne Bentley: 

Truthfully my biggest challenge in playing the role is the fact that I'm not the daughter of a heroin addict. I haven’t really been in her position because my mum has never been in rehab and plus I'm the middle child but my mother don’t depend on me for things as much so I would not know how to go about playing her character as the rough, emotional tomboy. But firstly in order to  start playing more I would search for relevant plays that are made into films that I can watch. So I can at least get inspiration from the way the actress are playing the role of Kerrie; But I know I can begin with the tomboy act and the fact that tomboys are mostly girls with a lot of insecurities and that is why they dress like boys and talk to boys like they’re boys because that’s how they would fit in and if they’re talking to guys the girly girls will start to question why the boys accept them into their mini cliques (group). I'm not saying I am a tomboy but after studying them and the way they are I know how to portray them. Also, the other challenge is that in the monologue her thoughts have very different dynamics. At one point she thinks of her mother for quite some time then her thoughts change and she starts to think of her brother Jakey and Cameron.

What I need to work on vocally, physically and emotionally:  To be honest I feel that physically I should work on quite a lot on my gestures (movements) because as I mentioned before I researched more about the play by reading it and then I went on to find the background story of why it was written on-line where I found out more about the author. I had done further research and decided to create a background history of my character using what the author gave me to information simply because, the play did not tell me about my character in depth. I need to show how she often feels necessarily how the author felt when he was writing the play. If I did not research much further; then my role would look fake and made up sort of like a cartoon even though my main aim is for the audience to see truth in my two min performance. If I was just saying the lines and doing no actions it would not make my performance effective at all it. Instead it makes me look as if I am rehearsing my lines in front of the panel when I’m actually meant to be performing my monologue to them. Vocally: I believe I should do vocal warm ups that I have been taught by Jackie and Sean Pol because that will enable me to project my voice on stage and be very clear when my character (Kerri Anne) is saying her monologue. I need to have the correct tone of voice for this; so I should explore the different ways in which I can say different lines and make all of my: phrases, sentences .. etc more truthful. So it doesn't seem like I have just picked out a monologue because I was told to but instead I should make it feel real; it should actually also show compassion and how much I love performing not only the monologue but in general. Sixteen year old Kerri Anne Bentley ( Kerrie) is from the United Kingdom she lives in London; She lives in the borough of Hackney near Hackney Central- Kingshold Estate. September 25 1995. She is a tom boy and often dresses like Amanda Bynes character in the image on the right. She isn't rich nor is she middle class. She lived in an old fashion house near a small forest area. Ever since her father passed her mother went on a limb; and stopped going to work and paying the bills so therefore they're no longer middle class they are absolutely poor. Kerrie -Anne is now 16 she has a late birthday; so she is the youngest in her year. Kerrie has an older cousin the age of eighteen who is called Brandy Bromfield that despised her family because of family rivalry over her deceased father's property. The family feud started during the burial. Brandy was born on April 30 1994 in Homerton hospital just like Kerrie Anne in Hackney, London. In primary school Kerrie Anne was very bright, enthusiastic and funny. However, during her secondary school days Kerrie  started growing up and she had  a lot of feelings for her secondary school crush on the hottest guy she had ever laid eyes on; his name was Guyston. Her best friend Keyana realised this when she was having a sleepover at Kerrie's house and found her diary which had written evidence that she did like Guyston Daniel. However the feeling wasn't mutual because he was with someone else whom he liked very much. During secondary school Kerrie found out that her father had passed away while on a mission her father was a police officer. Before her father's death her family was very happy and everyone loved each other; to them Blood was thicker than water, until her father Jack Bentley passed away.

Emotionally: I should  generally work on getting in touch with my characters' inner teen emotions and how all of - what is happening to her with her mum and all and being forced to grow up is effecting her. Emotionally I need to explore different ways in which I can deliver the monologue and not just stick to one emotion. I want to use different emotions to make the performance more appealing to watch.

Impact of Blackberry Trout Face should have on an audience?

To be quite frank the impact the piece should have on the panel is, it should make the audience have  sympathy for the character I am playing Kerrie Anne because of what she has been through and how she has moved on. It should also make the panel understand why Kerrie-Anne is how she is by her nature. Through her speech and Kerrie Anne's gestures (movements) and body language. For example, her facial expression changes from this out going character into some emotional character. Also the eye contact connection she has should let the audience feel how she feels and should make her story more truthful.

What makes an engaging or compelling character is their charm and charisma  I created a character by using your imagination to create a new life; history for a character then turn them into a real life human being so you can play that character. To make the people that I have pictured in my mind come to life; I need to write stuff about them down, like the way I picture them speaking; re-acting and communicating with others. The two main purposes for these development exercises were 1) to help solidify my characterization by imaging my character in a variety of situations; and 2) to work with the information I have. Knowing my character as I do, I have to write about her in a way which makes use of the knowledge I have. The image often used here is an iceberg: most of what I know about my character will never be seen (or, stated) directly. Much of it will never be used at all. However, it is good for me - the writer - to know everything so that I can be confident about playing my character and how she will react in any given circumstance. 1st development exercise: writing in the third person, I had to my character in an environment familiar to him/her, carrying out some habitual action (work, eating, sleeping, domestic chores, driving, shaving,), whilst in the grip of some intense emotion. She sleeps in a fairly decent old fashioned styled home. She wears ripped jeans so her pockets have a lot of patches in them from needles; she use to like to sow but she grew out of it. She has a really nice old pauls boutique  purse her mother gave to her as a present.    

My characters physical appearance matters a lot to her but she does not show it. Deep inside she is really frightened of how others perceive her. My character is 158.5 (5'2) athletic build and dark chocolate. Kerrie Anne got given the nick name Kerrie by her boyfriend Trey; Her voice is low husky; her voice is quite  airy. Her hand gestures are really sharp and always directed in two ways either side ways or to the front. She loves her garden because that is where she goes and just think it's like whenever she's stressed out or angry she goes there to cool off.   Her garden is full of rose petals and other flowers. Her favourite part of her garden is the empty swimming pool; it's a bit dirty now but she loves to sit around it; reminiscing about her childhood and how happy she was. Her least favourite is parent's room because it makes her reminisce about how happy the family was; how her father and mother made her feel, she always felt special and wanted but now is like she feels rejected and unwanted. Picture this her bedroom door is painted red with music notes all over it and a sign that says please don't enter; but enter anyway she is rarely in her room and it has no lock. Then turn the latch clock wise and walk into the room and as soon as you enter Kerrie Anne's bedroom has Caribbean blue wall paper and her favourite Michael Jackson and Brandy Norwood the famous singer's posters on her walls. She has a king size bed that is on the left of her room because her father brought it for her before he passed and it has remained there ever since. Her bed sheets are pure white showing her purity and has Toy story 3 characters and Michael Jackson on them. In the middle she has a tinted white window and has three lemon scented candles next to the window on a tray and a desk.She puts the bag in the same part of her room for when she has to study which is right next to her wardrobe on the right side of her computer. She has a black bag-pack with white stones and thorns on the outside of it that says Kerrie Rocks that's her nick name that her boyfriend gave to her. The desk is black; it is sort of like a wooden square without the bottom line. That is where she keeps her dell computer; her over due library books and then as for her bag she lives it underneath her study desk. On the right she has a wardrobe that she made in one of her construction classes that is fairly big it starts from one side of the room and ends at the other side. Her wardrobe is painted red with music notes on her wardrobe like her door. She wears a lot of biker jackets; she even has it in every colour except from Green and Pink just like ripped jeans and vest tops. She loved to give to charity she sort of lost some of her McDonald's toys she used to get and her barbies; but she has thrown them away because she grew out of it. She sometimes wears shorts and a vest top but then she also wears her black mickey mouse pj's. My character dreams of achieving her goals and pursing them and getting out of her current situation of being left alone with no adult supervision and no one to talk to since she pushed her friends and their families away. She is middle class and Black British  In secondary school she liked a boy called Guyston Jester Daniels people call him Guyston or Jester. But they never got together cause the feeling wasn't mutual. However right before she was about to get in college she really likes a boy called Trey( Tremaine) later on they became a couple but then they broke up a few weeks after her mother ran away from home; Kerrie Anne broke up with him because she was really stressed and she didn't want him to feel neglected because she stopped spending a lot of time with him. Kerrie Anne is really old school; she believes in sex after marriage and she doesn't want to have sex with just anyone she wants it to be with someone she loves and someone who feels the same way. This shouldn't be a surprise but she is a virgin. My character doesn't do anything but take care of her siblings. She is unemployed and the only thing she can do is provide trout but her brother Jakey wants to show the family that he is a man that can provide for his family. Kerrie Anne has a lot of fears but the one thing she is afraid of the most is loosing the only person she really cares and loves; her mother. There is one thing she would change if she was born is the way she approached her mother's drug life situation. Her favourite scent;smell are roses. Kerrie Anne has a lot of hobbies, she likes to read, sing and listen to her rock music as I mentioned before. She likes to wear shoe's like timbalands, vans and furry slippers. rebook trainers. All her shoes are either black or red or Caribbean blue. They are always fitted not too tight but not too loose either so it's just right. Her favourite clothes are any coloured ripped Jeans and vest tops except from Green and Pink. The worst thing that could happen to her is loosing her mother; I believe she would then break down emotionally and commit suicide or take drugs to ease away the pain. My character does not own any cars but she does owns a: skateboard, bike and a scouter. She protects them like they're babies. She doesn't let anyone borrow or use them at all. She actually gets angry and hurts anyone that even touches them. She often makes journeys like going for a walk inn the forest to get wood to make a fire place. Her most treasured possession is the bracelet her parents gave to her in primary and she has never taken it off. Her philosophies she lives by are firstly "life's too short to live the same day twice" her other philosophy is "Never say never". She also lives by the philosophy "love is all matter's it matter's after all". Which sums up everything that's happens in life. She is an atheist but she used to be a Christian but when her father passed away she began to question the works of God. Especially when she cried for help but no one answered and her father was left to die. She feels guilty that her mistake she had ever made was letting her mother know its okay to continue by making her heroin a daily chore. Kerrie Anne wants her old life back, she wants her dad back and for everyone in her family to get along like the way they used to. I don't blame her I would have wanted the same thing. Her deepest desire I would have to say is becoming a poet and using her poetry to create world peace and love between everyone that has arguments or fights. She also wants new blue vans shoes.

Character's Observations

I decided to take a trip to a public place where sitting and watching people could occur. So I thought some good places for this are: a shopping centre, train/ bus station or any place where people move around as a natural part of their day. I picked a movement trait to observe such as how fast or slow people walk or how people gesture with their hands when they talk. It was helpful to write down quick notes; to draw sketches of the traits I observed. Later,on I got with one of my partners that I perform my monologue to in private, to try to duplicate the observed movements myself. As I duplicated the movement,  I also tried to imagine the type of person I watched at Westfield in white city and I also tried to understand why they moved the way they did using my imagination   I studied individuals as they feel different emotions. I had done this in a public place where I watched people without being noticed. Then I heard people arguing; laughing,  I watched how their body language had changed and their gestures become faster or slower. When a person looked sad to me,  I thought of why exactly the person had done to make me think they were unhappy. I was observing the effects of emotion on the outward appearance of a person. This is important in character study considering that very few characters go through a play without feeling any emotion. I took many notes on the various elements of the visual display of emotion.   I made a lot of observations to help me play with my character's physicality and I found three people that stood out to me in Sports Direct. I wonder why, I mean notice that they all had different traits.  For instance; this woman had a bounce while walking and I instantly thought she was in a happy mood but when I analysed; looked at her mood again alongside her facial expressions I thought to myself why do I think she’s happy because she’s moving in a certain way; so I checked again then I realised she was actually upset/ tired, I remember what she wore as well. She wore the TK MAX attire for employees and then I figured that it had to be stress from work. Humans are quick to judge people by; just looking at them one, physicality they may have. For example: You may look at a teenage girl and say she’s got attitude because of how her body language and facial expression is. But that may not be the case. The other person that stood out was this quirky tall guy. He was very tall and slim in build. He actually looked cool; there was something about his quirkiness that made me think I like the piercings and tattoo’s he had; it made him stand out as a different person instead of going with the normal trend he had his on trend type of thing going on; what surprised me was the fact he was not a goth. He got on my bus, so I went to sit behind him and look at his movements and how he acted. The first thing I saw was his tattoos they were actually, meaningful and about his family members that had passed away.  The human instinct is to judge a book by its cover and that’s what I had done. But this time, he done something that made me change, my thoughts about what sort of person he is. And that make me this, I When speaking a lot of people do/say different things. Some people tend to move their hands gracefully others, well, others move their heads in an awkward way.  Imagine a quirky person   moving their neck from side to side that’s how this woman looked when she started speaking to me asking for directions.

Background Research

The only family she has are just her mother(Drug addict) and her two brothers; Cameron(Camz) and Jakey(J.B.). Her other family member is their cousin Sherrel Anne Bentley as mentioned before. Kerrie Anne acted the way she did in the play because she is very close to her family especially her mother and brothers; she really has a lot of love for them. Her current boyfriend is a guy called Trey(Tremaine). I done a little biography based on how her life its like a character log. I also thought I needed to find out more about the play and why it was written. So I looked into the playwrights previous work and his remarks about BlackBerry Trout Face.  I thought of the idea of making a documentary for my characters that I have to play. To make them more believable and real instead of just making up a character. So I decided to ask my fellow class mates and a few friends. Penny Dobson, Claudia Dos Santos and Tracy Lomanga to help me out to make the documentary of Kerrie Anne. Penny plays the role of Sherrel; Kerrie Anne's mother in the documentary.Tracy Lomanga plays the role of Kerrie Anne's cousin in the documentary. Claudia Dos Santos is Kerrie Anne's best friend and she's known her since primary they went to the same school and college. They were practically brought up together. In the documentary Kerrie Anne tells the interviewer a secret.


Kerrie Anne Bentley is a female was born in Homerton Hospital; and she was raised in hackney in London. She is sixteen and not in education. She is black British. She has two other siblings called Cameron (15) and Jakey (19) her mother is called Sherrel Anne Catherine-Bentley. Her mother is often referred to Sherrel in the documentary.

Manor Primary School- Kerrie Anne (Kerrie) went to and completed Manor. She was a bright child, very adventurous and enthusiastic. Her father was determined to make her become the next big lawyer and that is what she wanted to be. However Kerrie Anne remained the way she was until she reached Hackney Free.

Hackney Free secondary school

She was very smart and a loud eccentric character. She had a competitive side that was drilled in her in her early stages by her deceased father this would often make her compete in spellings bee and she felt that if she came first place all the time she would be feel her father would be at peace in heaven. Unfortunately in year 10 her father passed away and her mother and her found it hard to cope with their loss. Her mother began to do drugs which led her into her current rehab run away situation, Despite, being very active and positive at school when she went home she was a complete different person she would often be so quiet and very distant from her family members because of the hardships she witnessed her mother going through because of her father's death. She started to become this absurd character, she turned out to be a bit of a rebel that acted rude, less ambitious and fearful towards her peers and family.

College life: She attended B-SIX but she got kicked out in her first year for skipping her lessons on a regular basis. It wasn't entirely her fault it was because she had huge responsibilities that she found hard to cope with when her mother ran away from her home to the south coast with her friends.

How am I going to go about playing the role of Kerrie Anne?

* Re- read the play:It seems obvious, but the first place to get insight into my  character is by reading the play. Before making any decisions or judgements about my character, I read the whole play three times. The first read was a "pleasure read". I Just read the play as a whole purely for enjoyment purposes, paying no particular attention to my character. I Read the play a second time, this time recording everything that is said about my character, and every detail I can possibly find about the environment and people surrounding my character. Also I recorded everything that the other characters do to affect my character. The third time through, noticed everything my character thinks about he rest of the characters and every change my character makes to the world around them. I then had a good framework to start from.
*Making it real:Using my imagination to make a documentary to build a relationship between the main people that affect Kerrie-Anne to tap into any hidden emotions; that are not in the text, I could use to play Kerrie. One thing I do when I am playing the role of any character is to make the situation my character is in as real to myself as possible. In this case the characters are supposed to be my brothers my blood and I am meant to love them unconditionally. I use what the text gives me as the information I need to make a reason to lure Jakey into  wanting to stay and then I'd act how I normally would if I was in that situation but as Kerrie- Anne. I love spending time creating a background for my characters; researching certain qualities that my character may obtain; how to portray those qualities to my audience, in this case the panel. If it is not already supplied of course. After all, if I believe that I am Kerrie-Anne and that I am in the situation she is in, then the audience will connect with my monologue and will believe my piece. Also I am working on being confident in myself while performing or speaking to the panel. I have noticed that nobody wants to see somebody who is too shy to even say a lie, they want to see somebody who is having fun up there and is taking risks despite what they feel inside. I have  learnt to make the work personal because there's Yvonne the performer and the other Yvonne who is still trying to figure out who she is.* Developing my character:When I develop any character I play he role of, the main thing I discover is my Motivation in the scene. I then remind myself of the 5 w's. What just happened in the previous scene, why am I here?, when did I get here?, where am I?, who am I?*Character DevelopmentDon't make yourself the character but the character yourself.


The documentary I had done was purely based on the people I thought had the most impact on Kerrie Anne Bentley. In Kerrie Anne's life which is her mother; cousin and best friend. To try and get an inner connection with my character to enable me to play the role of Kerrie Anne to my strength I decided to get a few of my peers together and make a documentary. I made the documentary using my camera and it was filmed in my fellow class mate's house(Tracy Lomanga). The documentary consist of the  two of the main characters and an extra, Kerrie Anne's Mother, Brandy that is her family member and  her best friend(Keyana). 

Here is the documentary about Kerrie Anne Bentley background story. That I have filmed. Here is a link to Brandy's documentary.


Evaluation & Feedback


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